Carl Mellinger Consulting Arborist Tree Services

Carl Mellinger Consulting Tree Services

Consultations and Evaluations

General tree consultations covering tree health and structural issues. These consultations are very open-ended and we will try to answer any questions you may have. We may give recommendations on disease diagnosis, decay management, tree pruning, and tree irrigation/water management.

Expert Witness Work

Case and court work as expert witness for tree and landscape-related cases. We have worked on a variety of issues, many of which involve tree appraisal. We have been on dozens of cases related to wildfire damage.

Protected Tree Reports and Tree Removal Reports

Most cities and counties in the greater Los Angeles area require tree reports when removing or doing construction near trees. A tree survey may be required to determine if protected trees exist on the site. Refusal to follow local tree regulations can lead to fines or stop-work orders.

Pruning Guidance

Carl ran a tree pruning and landscape services company for over 30 years. We have extensive knowledge on pruning requirements for the large variety of trees we have in Southern California, whether they be oaks, sycamores, or something more exotic. With pruning, we believe less is more and that proper pruning, especially when a tree is young, reduces the tree’s pruning needs throughout its life. Because we don’t have a pruning crew, we make pruning recommendations to help the client, NOT to generate business.

Advanced Decay Testing

We regularly perform advanced decay testing with a state-of-the-art sonic tomograph (ARBOTOM®), resistance drill (RESISTOGRAPH®), and root detection device (ArboRadix™). These devices are used to estimate the internal condition of high-value trees and help calculate lost stability from decay and other internal defects.

Tree Preservation during Construction

Trees can be greatly affected by construction. Construction-related damage such as root cuts may not cause an obvious decline in tree health until years later. We provide tree protection recommendations and monitor construction crews working near trees. Tree protection may be required by a jurisdiction or requested by a concerned property owner. Tree protection measures are often the difference between a tree’s survival or death (and possibly failure) following construction.

Tree Risk Assessment

Formal tree risk assessments following guidelines set up by the International Society of Arboriculture. Both Carl and Jonathan are Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (TRAQ).

Post-fire Tree Evaluations

Following a fire, we can estimate a tree’s likelihood for recovery, appraise the value of the tree, and make recommendations for the property owner. We have been involved in many cases of fire-related tree appraisals for insurance claims or lawsuit-related purposes.

Tree Valuation/Tree Appraisal

Appraising the value of trees and landscape plants. This is often done in the context of an insurance claim or legal case.

Disease/Pest Diagnosis

Diagnosis of disease and pest issues on trees and landscape plants. Sometimes a laboratory diagnosis is necessary to confirm a disease.

Nursery Tree Selection

When buying large trees, it is important to purchase high-quality specimens to reduce maintenance costs and tree issues down the road. We have seen many recently planted trees with significant (and sometimes permanent) structural and health issues. We can tag high-quality trees at the nursery or examine tagged trees for defects before they are purchased and installed.

Tree Evaluations for Home Sales (Escrow)

It is important to know the health and safety of a property’s trees when buying a house. Hazardous trees and trees in poor condition can represent significant costs for the future property owner.

Tree Decay Testing:

We regularly perform advanced decay testing with a state-of-the-art sonic tomograph (ARBOTOM®), resistance drill (RESISTOGRAPH®), and root detection device (ArboRadix™). These devices are used to estimate the internal condition of high-value trees and help calculate lost stability from decay and other internal defects.


Expert Witness Work

Case and court work as expert witness for tree and landscape-related cases. We have worked on a variety of issues, many of which involve tree appraisal. We have been on dozens of cases related to wildfire damage.

Protected Tree Reports and Tree Removal Reports

Most cities and counties in the greater Los Angeles area require tree reports when removing or doing construction near trees. A tree survey may be required to determine if protected trees exist on the site. Refusal to follow local tree regulations can lead to fines or stop-work orders.